I am going to ask her teacher and the other teacher who had the tutoring class they put her in for several weeks last year. I believe at the time her teacher told me that they put her in tutoring with some other kids who were behind because her work was careless and sloppy and they wanted her to focus on being more careful- but I just asked my DD and she said it was because she didn't know her times tables..so I will ask. I noticed that she will look at a problem and rush to finish it and miss something. I remember seeing her look at a math problem that consisted of three lines and she missed it because she didn't read all the lines - I had to get her to look at it again. I do know her teacher said that when reading out loud her reading was not as smooth as it should be for her age. A lot of these things don't seem like a big deal- but then I look at the big picture at how she's doing and it's not pretty...