I'm not sure how to get her evaluated.. I already had some person who did "her own evaluation" of her reading which was helpful NOT. She basically thought she might be ADDish based on the fact that she said her brain never stopped but she is not someone who can diagnose (and frankly her evaluation did not give me anything at all on paper so it was a waste of time and money). She basically just said she's reading at level, and she didn't see any learning disabilities.

My DS has some inability to regulate attention related to his second e, but I know what that looks like and she doesn't look like that at all. I would think possibly stealth dyslexia except that she can sound out words she's never seen before (at the 8th grade level) and she's a good speller. She says school is a 5 on a scale of 1 -10. Her favorite subject is art. She has multiple friends at school, she's outgoing, she doesn't love school but doesn't hate it either.

She does have some impulsivity (interrupts at home) but teachers have never complained about her behavior. Her teacher last year said she kept wanting to get up and get a tissue, get a drink of water, etc. but there was a lot of chaos in that room cue to teacher not being very organized and some kids with behavior challenges and I think it was hard to concentrate. However, she has had this pattern for more than just this year.