Hi all. I've looked through a lot of the posts on here the last couple of days and I'm wondering if I'm even crazy for even wondering if DS may be gifted in any way, but I know it's not uncommon for both siblings. Anyhow, a little background...

DD (who is now 10) was obviously advanced from birth - alert, needed little sleep, curious, etc. She was accepted onto the local school's gifted program last year. I do not know her test results, IQ, etc. as it was done through the school, however I have requested a copy of them. DS (just turned 8) had just turned 6 when we had him evaluated because he wasn't doing well at school. We thought he had dyslexia like my husband (who I wouldn't be surprised at all if he is gifted, he is exceptionally smart) and were surprised when he was diagnosed with ADHD, Overanxious Disorder of Childhood, Dysgraphia and "possible" ASD (due to his excessive emotions and need for routine only). On the WISC-IV, he scored in the High Average and Very Superior range in similarities and matrix reasoning (both involving abstract thought) so I'm wondering if he is gifted in one area but it was missed because of variation in scores? I may of course be talking out of the back of my head. I'm still proud of him whether he's gifted or not but would kick myself if it turned out later that he is and I didn't take the opportunity to nurture it. Anyway, enough talk, here are his WISC-IV, WRAT-4 and Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement III. Please advise if I am seeing something that isn't there:

VCI - Standard Score 108 (70th %)
Similarities 12
Vocabulary 11
Comprehension 12

PRI - Standard Score 121 (92nd %)
Block Design 10
Picture Concepts 13
Matrix Reasoning 17

WMI Standard Score 94 (34th %)
Digit Span 9
Letter-Number Sequencing 9

PSI Standard Score 103 (58th %)
Coding 9
Symbol Search 12

FSIQ 110


Word Reading 128 (97th %)
Sentence Comprehension 134 (99th %)
Spelling 113 (81st %)
Math Computation 124 (95th %)

Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement III

Broad Reading Standard Score 127 (92nd %)
Letter Word Identification 126 (96th %)
Passage Comprehension 126 (96th %)
Reading Fluency 127 (85th %)

Broad Written Language Standard Score 126 (96th %)
Spelling 117 (88th %)
Writing Samples 127 (92nd %)
Writing Fluency 117 (88th %)

Broad Math Standard Score 126 (96th %)
Calculation 128 (97th %)
Applied Problems 122 (93rd %)
Math Fluency 106 (66th %)

So, thoughts? Should I have him retested?

Thanks so much!