Sorry to hear this is happening NotherBen. My older DD did have to drop a course (Latin 3) her senior year of H.S. But it wasn't required and we figured it out before the drop date that she wasn't going to pass & it was better for her college chances to drop the class. Crossing my fingers we haven't crossed that bridge, although it did seem close a few times. I have a neighbor who's kid got through H.S. by the skin of his teeth. I don't know all the details but there certainly were a few failed classes. He ended up at community college & from what I know is doing fine there. We have a good community college in the area, many kids choose to attend, it's an OK place to pick up the pieces.

Do you have anything like Halstrom or Fusion Academy near you? They are both "one-to-one" at your own pace accredited High Schools. Not online school. Very expensive if your going full time, but you can sign up for just one class. And it's particularly good if it's a required class.