I'm glad to be helpful, Ren. smile I do think that the "please me" vs. "please yourself" line is a hard one to walk as we give praise. I struggle with it often, and I certainly don't always do as great a job as I would like.

But I think like many things in parenting, if we're conscious of the goal we're working toward and keep that uppermost in our minds, that's half the battle. It at least helps keep me moving in the right direction, I think. That's about all our kids can ask of us, isn't it?

And BTW, I got a chuckle out of this:

Originally Posted by Wren
But like anything, it seems she has to choose when she pushes herself to work.

Oh, such truth you speak there! There is only so much you can do. And, as you say, she is only 3, and kids that age often cycle through interests. Reading is no exception. She may just not be in the mood for it right now. That's okay.

As I often reminded myself when going through potty training issues, she's not going to go to college without picking reading back up again. (Though there were moments when I felt like the diapers might at least be going to preschool with them... wink ) It will happen. I think you're right that not worrying too much about it is probably wise. From what you've said about your daughter, the more you push, the more she'll push back, no? laugh
