Originally Posted by greenlotus
Even at the library I wonder how to get it across to librarians that my child can read some adult books (she loves non-fiction) in the reference section without stating "Oh, my kid is gifted, of course she can read this" Or some other brag-worthy statement.

I realize this thread is old, so greenlotus might no longer be running into this issue.. but I'm curious - was this your dd's school librarian or your local public library? I know some schools have restrictions on which grades can read from which books... but I can't imagine this actually happening at the public library, why would a librarian say anything? I browsed the entire local library from a relatively young age and my kids have too. It's not *that* unusual to see children in the adult section (at least not at our local library). Your child wouldn't likely be the only child who's looking at the adult sections. If someone did question it, I'd just either ignore or say something like, yes, she can read it and move on. No need to say she's gifted.

Best wishes,
