My DD is tiny (just turned 9 and wearing size 7s). Adults and kids ask if she is in 1st or 2nd grade. We were once at the planetarium, and she had a question about black holes. The man doing the lecture ignored her (stood right over her) and chose older kids' questions. DD broke down in tears, and when I chastised the guy for ignoring her, he said that he didn't think she was old enough to participate. He did apologize FYI.
As I stated in another forum, I am going to put together photography lessons for her. Many of the lessons state "10 and older" or some such number. How do I convince someone that she can handle work for an older child? Even at the library I wonder how to get it across to librarians that my child can read some adult books (she loves non-fiction) in the reference section without stating "Oh, my kid is gifted, of course she can read this" Or some other brag-worthy statement.
I guess that is two issues rolled into one - my child is bright and small, and I need to convince others that she can do things that much bigger and older kids can do. Helpful hints?