I have been reading some of the posts on this subforum, but this is my first time posting about DS' health issue. He is finishing his sophomore year in high school, had been doing well academically, a DYS, very creative, very friendly and outgoing, has very good ideas about what he wants to do in the future. We are a very supportive family, and we give him a lot of room to develop into who he wants to be. Basically, everything has been fine. Then, things started falling apart for him, he felt unmotivated and sad and helpless, things that he used to be able to do so easily became simply daunting or impossible, then he was diagnosed with depression.

We are all trying to cope. His school has been very supportive; he has been trying the best he can and trying to keep the faith in himself and in the people who are eager to support him. We are trying to find whatever resource we can find.

I want to say hi to other parents of 2e kids with mental health issues. I need to educate myself about how to help my son cope, and how to minimize the impact of this condition on his long-term goals.

More later.

Last edited by TheIdealist; 06/13/16 01:19 PM.