circket3.. As to the change in schedule. More than half the state was already on this earlier schedule. It's a trend here in CA. And there were a few other things pushing it mostly affecting H.S. students, but I know AP testing schedule was one consideration. As other districts change, Altletic schedules are affected. Summer programs that H.S. students were doing in the such community college were starting before we got out of the summer.DS's freshman year we went till VERY late June, this was a big problem & students weren't able to apply to many of the popular university programs for H.S. students. I know districts in CA that now start in mid-August. We aren't that early.

Difficulty in getting the change is the elementary teachers don't want to start till after Labor Day. Part of the push to start earlier is some districts (not mine) is to make it so Fall finals are done before the Xmas holidays. It's one way to try and help the kids with the level of stress. These districts are trying to let winter break be just that a BREAK for the students.

It's honestly a bit crazy since around here August/September are the hottest months of the year.