Originally Posted by blackcat
DS has similar scores (math is a little bit higher) and the school is sending him to 6th grade for math and they are giving him 6th grade level books. He is in 3rd grade. It looks like your DS had a big jump for math in just a few months which makes me wonder how accurate that latest score is. Not sure how easy it is to score "too high" however, and do that well based on luck. In your position I would probably ask if they could do additional testing before deciding on a skip, for instance the Woodcock Johnson or WIAT and/or give him any district/school assessments for the next year up for math to see if there are any gaps. (DS was able to skip 3 years of math by scoring above 85 percent on pre-tests for those grades--I think they give the same test at the beginning and end of each year and and it tests the grade level standards).

Blackcat, I am pretty sure additional testing is out of the question but I'll ask smile To be truthful, I think his fall and winter math scores are a little on the low side and the spring one a little high. We have not enriched outside of school at all so that boredom doesn't get worse. He has spent more time than usual on Dreambox and has finished 3rd grade, is 75% done with 4th grade, half done with 6th grade and has about 20% of 5th and 7th grades completed. I truly believe he is ready for much harder math in class and that's where school is lacking the most for him.
You mentioned your son's similar scores (except for math) - were those his scores EOY in 3rd? Just trying to get a better picture if my expectations are realistic. Thanks!