My daughter turned 9-years old a few days ago (rising 4th grader), and recently took the ERB CTP-4 test through her private school. This is the first time she has ever been tested in any formal way. This is the first time her school administered the test, and to my knowledge there was no rigorous test preparation.

Her %ile rank scores were as follows (national norm group/independent schools group:

Verbal Reasoning: 99% / 97%
Auditory Comprehension: 97% / 86%
Reading Comprehension: 99% / 96%
Writing Mechanics: 99% / 99%
Writing Concepts and Skills: 99% / 98%
Quantitative Reasoning: 99% / 95%
Mathematics 1&2: 99% / 99%

She "hit the ceiling" in multiple subtopics, mostly in the math sections.

We have an upcoming meeting with her school about her test scores to discuss, for lack of a better phrase, "what they mean". She is a quiet but happy kid.

Would anyone on the forum recommend further testing? Is this the point where we should start gathering information on external resources, etc? Should we just be happy that she is a "smart kid" and leave well enough alone?

This has produced a lot more anxiety for me than I anticipated. Any help would be deeply appreciated.