Is a triennial review for 504 students typical elsewhere?
Aha! I think you have found the root of some confusion! Yes, in our school system, there is supposed to be a full evaluation (with testing) for 504 students every three years, to see if they still need the 504 plan. I am not sure whether that is federally mandated, state mandated, or just the policy of our school district.

We have not signed the IEP document yet, because it has not been written yet. This meeting was just to go over the eligibility determination for an IEP, at which it was determined that she does need one. Getting it was not terribly difficult once we got to the point of having an evaluation, at least not compared to some stories I've heard. I would like to stay on good terms with the team, especially considering that DD is in the first of seven planned years at this school. I did email the school psychologist (cc'ing the counselor and principal) about the date issue, putting it as one of a list of minor corrections, and I got back a brief email saying she would update the evaluation. The email was a little ambiguous about whether she will update the date part specifically or just the other stuff (the others really were picayune, like preeclampsia not eclampsia), but my inclination at this point is to let it slide. I feel like they have generally done their best to comply with the rules, and to do what's best for DD, so I don't want to get super picky about it. I think my email will be sufficient if we ever need to go back and argue about dates.

DD's grades are pretty low, mostly because of missed assignments during a bad spell this spring, and I was able to point that out during the meeting, too. I think no one had looked at her grades for this semester until I mentioned it, and the principal said something like, "This is a kid who should be getting all A's in her sleep," so they will pay attention to that now. I don't actually care about C's on her report card in sixth grade, but I will obviously care a lot more in ninth if she can't get it turned around by then.