Thank you!

Yes, non compliance at school, DS6 wants to do everything is his own way, in his own timeframes (everything has to be perfect and thus he can be slow), teacher was struggling with him a lot last year. New teacher and school this year - she is more understanding and gives him choices, but is still struggling.

With this scores, we are struggling with reading or decoding words in particular and attention (or boredom, hard to differentiate at this point), so paediatrician requested IQ test before we test for anything else as school suspected giftedness in VS. And his mathematics is not bad for his age, but is weird after 13-15, e.g. 9+6=33, why? 9-12, 31 (instead of 13), 32, 33, but his class isn't working on additions over 10 at all yet. He says he is using fingers or other things to count by imagining them in his head.

His IQ report suggests a possible learning disability and I'm just not sure where to go further except for his paediatrician, who wasn't sure either. Feeling a bit lost :-( His paediatrician is certain that his issues at school will resolve once the school changes something and makes learning more challenging and interesting for him. But I want to make sure that this is what will happen, as DS's anxiety is quite bad and I want to do something to make him feel better. He hates himself for being not like everyone else and he thinks he is actually stupid, because he is different. I didn't even know that he feels different to everyone else.