Your description of your younger DD reminds me of myself in elementary school. I figured out early on that the academics at my school didn't interest me, so I coasted along under the radar. I didn't participate in class because the level of discussion felt at best boring and at times insulting. I lived inside my head at school, and then would go home and become much more expressive (in both positive and negative ways). And, I also lived in the shadow of an older sister who was a teacher's ideal student.

I don't have book suggestions, but in my experience I desperately needed a mental challenge. I would seek that for your DD in whatever way possible - If the gifted program doesn't meet her needs, then maybe she can participate in math contests, learn chess or programming, etc. And if you can find one mentor who can take an interest and speak to her on the right level, that would likely encourage her to open up and be more expressive.

Last edited by Andes; 04/22/16 12:40 PM.