Thank you for your thoughts on this Polarbear. Yes, we have often wondered if some other things were going on with DD2. I am actually in the process of scheduling a psychology appt for DD2 because a physical therapist we used for an unrelated orthopedic issue took note that DD2 was displaying some sensory seeking behavior. In addition, we've had some interesting conferences with her teachers this year about communication, so I know we need to help her. I've had these types of teacher interactions since she was 2!! I remember thinking as a toddler that DD2 was so misunderstood, and I still feel that way. She often comes across as having a "flat affect" and no expression at school with teachers, but then when she gets home, the flood gates open and she will sob over whatever the issue of the day was. She is not a trouble maker at school, she is just very very quiet and hard to read. What is so funny though is she has the most intense and sometimes explosive emotions at home where she is comfortable. All of my kids are very intense little people actually, so there's a lot of drama over here 😳😁. But DD2 is probably the most sensitive of them. Thanks so much for your feedback. I really and truly appreciate it!