Originally Posted by RRD
Originally Posted by Thomas Percy
I am curious how you feel about that. Are we serving the kids well by diagnosing more these days? Do you feel like your childhood would be better if you got more services back then?
I suspect it may depend very much on the child and his/her environment. I had a depressing conversation last night with the parent of a gifted young man - his assessment of the whole situation was that they were much too busy taking care of the behavioural problems while their son was growing up to ever have time for "that gifted thing". If he had been identified, he might not have struggled as much going through school (and therefore possibly not had the behavioural problems at all). Who knows what the impact might be in the end... I suspect it would have helped him significantly.

It might all be in the balance you strike, too.

Good point, RRD. I do wonder how many of "bad students
we grew up with had ADHD or a learning disability of some sort.