Originally Posted by Malraux
One of my concerns regarding the growth mindset is that its unclear how much of of the growth mindset is supposed to come from just changing the wording of how you present an assignment/work product vs changing the assignment to better challenge a student. Hearing people, especially those really into the growth mindset, talk about what is needed, they sound more like the former. But I suspect that for gifted students, the later is as important or more important.
This old post may answer your question.

Have you read the book mindset by Carol Dweck? It is a fairly quick read and rather interesting. Unfortunately, although many have not read it, that does not hinder them from critiquing it.

Old threads discussing mindset, its misapplications, and ideas misattributed to it include:
- Against the growth mindset April 09, 2015
- What would you ask Carol Dweck? July 15, 2015
- Carol Dweck Revisits the 'Growth Mindset' September 24, 2015

Meanwhile, KJP, I wish you all the best with stimulating your child's curiosity, motivation, and desire to learn! smile
Along those lines, this old post mentions a possible relationship to perfectionism and fear of making mistakes... and includes a link to a thread containing a crowd-sourced list of books on developing resilience and overcoming perfectionism.