He speaks slowly but for some reason he does well on the CBM fluency assessments. I guess he is not slow enough to bring his score down much. He used to blow right through periods but I'm not sure that he's doing that anymore.

Strangely, back in K and 1st grade, I discovered that when he reads aloud, his prosody is much more normal. He could read back in preschool and I think the SLP way back then was having him read to practice his prosody. Something visual about seeing the words on the page that helps? I have no idea, but it's bizarre. He could almost read more fluently than he could speak, around age 4-5. (he was reading at a late third grade level in kindergarten, but was very quiet overall at that age and had delayed speech and language. He used to speak in a very cartoonish voice with a really high pitch, but when he read it became normal!).