Originally Posted by spaghetti
Originally Posted by blackcat
Don't they have to do a re-eval though? At least to some degree?

No, where we are, they have to have a re-eval meeting every 3 years, and I've been told a re-eval must be done every 6 years, usually on transition between school. I believe that's policy. Not law, But I'm not sure.
Just a little disturbed by this. Federal law says re-evals in the area(s) of suspected disability must be done every three years (although what evaluative techniques constitute a triennial is somewhat negotiable state-by-state). In order to not do so, and stay in compliance, the school needs to notify the parents that they are recommending a waiver of assessments, and that the parent has a right to request an evaluation anyway.


Perhaps the parents' right to request a reveal is being buried somewhere in the paperwork sent out on the non-testing re-eval meetings.

Parents can also request early re-evaluations no more frequently than every two years. Keeping in mind, of course, that every time a re-eval meeting is held, one is re-opening the eligibility discussion.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...