Yes, actually my friend that is the mom of one of the girls spoke with the principal earlier in the year about this and one of them suggested the idea. I think the principal was open to it/positive about it, but I'm being a little cynical about if it will really happen. I will ask her if she minds making the request again.

I almost want to send a separate request about my son and the 2 boys though, in case the answer to the first question is no. But I don't want to derail her efforts in any way, if she does agree to take the request to the principal.

Should I also just go talk to the principal about it? Would that be better? I don't want to waste her time on something that could be in an email. However I also need to talk to her about single subject acceleration testing, so... maybe there's enough there to discuss that it won't feel completely ridiculous to request a 15 min meeting?

Last edited by _Angie_; 04/11/16 08:42 AM. Reason: I can't type today :P