
Thanks. That's my goal - to get him to the point where he can sustain his effort over a long enough period of time to solve math, science or other problems. And hopefully, enjoy doing it. He's a kid who craves information and analyzes it, but who does not have a lot of patience for things that come to him more slowly. I think he gets that from DH. I once got DS one of those small dino dig toys - you know, the ones where you have to scrape away patiently and carefully like a real paleontologist until you find the embedded fossil? Well, I thought that would be a good father/son activity last year. Within 5 minutes, I hear DH say "this is ridiculous," and the next thing I know DH is using the Dremel (power tool) and the fossil was revealed in less than a minute! That's what I'm up against, LOL!