It was the EPGY Grade 3 online course. frown

It was very repetitive, especially since he had already taken the Elementary Problem Solving I Course through CTY, which covered multi-digit addition and subtraction, carrying, borrowing, multiplication and even long division. I think one of the big problems was that the courses overlapped, and there are a ton of problems that you have to do even if you know the stuff. Also, for a visual-spatial kid, it was static and visually uninteresting. The tutor even said that many young children have a hard time with the "rather dated" presentation of the course. On the other hand, I know many love it, and I would have loved it as a kid. I liked to work in sequence and watch my progression. On the plus side, all that repetition was good for his basic math skills. I think it was a case of the wrong curriculum for the wrong child - but I paid a lot for it and made him finish it. blush He did extremely well in the course, but it was probably a mistake for him.

I think this is the answer, right here, for DS:

Everything was MUCH MORE FUN when mom or dad were doing it with them, even math.
