In agreement with polarbear.

My DS8 has a DCD diagnosis, which I had thought was just another term for dyspraxia? I've not heard of 'developmental dyspraxia', unless the 'developmental' descriptor simply refers to a developmental vs. somehow 'acquired' condition?

I understand that DCD affects each kid differently - another boy at DS's school is apparently tripping over his feet all the time, so it's much more obvious. My DS - you have to watch to notice the poor motor planning (or see the bruises on his legs at the end of the day).

My DS does not have dyslexia, dyscalcula or dysgraphia as such (although he does struggle with handwriting). Was the geneticist saying these are related to, or part of the dyspraxia?

FWIW - After reading about NLD, I also thought DS was 'NLD-ish' - without the social or reading comprehension issues.

ETA: Also, found this link, which probably doesn't have anything new to you in it, but I found a good summary. It also listed some symptoms I see in DS but hadn't connected to DCD (re: organization and not following instructions)

Last edited by Can2K; 02/03/16 02:29 PM. Reason: Added link