HI Pemb,

Our ds has a diagnosis from his neuropsych of DCD (Developmental Coordination Disorder), which was a diagnosis under DSM-IV (not sure if it still exists under DSM-V?). Our neuropsych told us that "dyspraxia" is essentially the same disorder but is a term more commonly used in the UK. I haven't heard the term "developmental dyspraxia" previously, but from everything I've read dyspraxia presents in many different ways from individual to individual. It's not about being "clumsy" but instead is a disconnect in how the brain communicates with muscle movement. People with dyspraxia/dcd sometimes also have apraxia of speech. You couldn't point to one person with DCD, however, and assume that the next person you met with DCD would be impacted in the same way.

Re the "developmental" aspect - I'm not sure exactly what it means... but fwiw, our ds definitely had signs of dyspraxia/dcd as early as a year old, maybe earlier. We didn't *recognize* them as signs, but they were most definitely there had we known what we were looking for. DS has never had genetic testing, but I suspect his grandfather had dyspraxia. DS also has several cousins with dyslexia, one with dysgraphia... I suspect they are all somewhat tied together somehow.

In summary, I doubt that having yet another diagnosis (DCD) tells you much of anything - you already have researched and are so on top of what's going on with your dd. You already had a dyspraxia diagnosis, and you've been actively seeking help for your dd for years now.. so I'm guessing, it's just another diagnosis but doesn't change much. Does that make sense?

Hope that helps a bit!
