We finally had our long awaited appointment with geneticist to see if we could identify a common thread to explain DD11's multitude of issues. She labeled it Developmental Dyspraxia. Sound familiar to anyone here? Does this tell me anything I didn't already know?

We have previously been given dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyspraxia, math disability, CAPD, dysarthria, visual processing and fine motor diagnoses, along with eosinophilic esophogitis. Migraines and anxiety well controlled. Past diagnose of ADHD-Inattentive discounted by subsequent evaluators, teachers and parents. Neuropsych labeled her "NLD-ish", not because she appeared to have NLD (none of the social issues associated with NLD are present) but because "it's a useful diagnostic concept" and "easier than saying super high verbal along with dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyspraxia, math disability, etc". (Officially labeled Processing Disorder - predominantly non verbal type) No one ever said anything about DCD which seems to go along with Developmental Dyspraxia - looks like it might even share a diagnostic code.

So does this tell me anything? There might be a genetic link but since DD has a needle phobia it doesn't seem worthwhile to do blood work if it won't provide anything specific to help with her situation. Yes she has the speech, motor and LD issues I read about online but not the social, emotional or behavioral issues. Certainly not the immaturity associated with developmental dyspraxia.

Anyone else receive this diagnosis and can send me in the right direction? I have had people dismiss the dyspraxia diagnosis saying "that just means she's clumsy". I assume this is different.

Any and all input welcome. Thanks in advance.