Originally Posted by trio
Originally Posted by puffin
I don't think JonLaw expects you to agree with all his statements. I am never quite sure whether he agrees with them either.

Ha. Perhaps the "Law" in his name is an indication that he enjoys debate?

I enjoy commenting. It's fun!

And if you want to comment, you need to use words. So, I comment using carefully crafted word combinations that evoke glorious ideas and profound truth thingies.

It's not clear to me that all of my statements are internally consistent enough to permit anyone to agree with all of them. I think there's probably some law of logic that prohibits this.

Kind of like dividing by zero.

But I don't let that stop me! I know that if I just keep on picking myself off of the ground by my bootstraps and dusting them off, I will eventually get to the top of the mountain. And on top of that mountain, I will find a table full of well cooked steak and wonderful chocolate desserts.

Hope this helps.