Thanks everybody!
I am so glad I found this place! This has all been so helpful. The only reason I'm looking for something "official" is to advocate for my daughter. She really wants to participate in some kind of school setting.
Our pediatrician has referred us to a developmental specialist. I don't really think this will do us much good except that maybe we'll have some sort of official diagnosis (???) to use for advocacy when she goes to pre-school... that could be in a couple months... or not for a year or so...
In the meantime though, I think this tutoring center will meet our needs. We met with them on Saturday. Everything in their Kindergarten CAT as well as the curriculum she'd learn looks just right for her. They are excited to work with her and BEST of all it's very flexible.
My only concern with it is that she wouldn't really be around other kids much. Not as much as I thought anyway. If at some point the tutoring is not enough (because it looks like there won't be that much social stuff) and we chose pre-school instead then the results from the developmental specialist may come in handy.
I guess we'll do both the CAT and see the specialist (insurance should cover it because our pedi did the referral) and probably do tutoring until it doesn't work anymore then try to do pre-school.. ???
I guess we'll be hammering that all out in the next couple weeks. I really like the tutoring center curriculum tho!!