DS - we tested back in grade one (he was 6.5) because the school told us to test for ADHD and basically thought he was a behaviour issue. We kind of figured he was gifted (although we were still kind of stunned with his scores) but he was also struggling with writing and we wanted to get more info to help with advocacy because school was not going well. (he is 2e)

DD - we tested her at 7 because we had tested DS and it was only fair. We only did the WISC with her because we didn't suspect any LD's and that was enough for our purposes at this point. We figured she was also gifted and it wouldn't hurt with advocacy although since she isn't 2e and has a completely different personality the school was already doing way more for her than they ever did for DS with his 2 full psych-ed assessments to back everything up.

We have spend a ridiculous amount on testing and don't regret it. We were also able to get a lot of it covered with our benefits so that might be something to look into. DS had to go through 2 rounds because he wasn't very cooperative and he was too young to label as LD when we tested the first time so we had to retest 2 years later. I'm very glad that we have tested because we had kind of assumed they were both MG and would have gone along with the flow. I have a much easier time challenging the educational experts that have no idea what to do with my kids now that I have psych reports to back me up. Realizing their scores has helped make choices and open doors. The screening that the school did missed DS (likely due to the 2e) so we kind of had to test privately to access gifted programming with him.

DYS would have been really nice to have access to but we aren't in the U.S.