I am new to these forums and testing for GT programs. We have a DS8 and DS6/7, we have known our DS8 was gifted and did not feel a need to have him tested until the school system needed it for entrance to the Bridges program sponsored by the district.

DS8 was given the WISC-V paid for by the district, it was not a complete test only enough to get a FISQ and GAI score. Our thoughts when we found out they were going to have him tested for the Bridges program was about getting him more advanced resources and exposure to other kids at his level.

I am still learning about these test, (DS8's scores are posted in another thread.) and in just a few days have come to learn a great deal. DS8 has a little brother who will be 7 in Feb. DS7 shows sign of math aptitude but only in the last 3-4 months. he struggles with other area's. If we knew 3 years ago what we know now I would have paid to have DS8 tested at 5yo.
We are not a high income family but given what we are finding out now we would have figured it out.

having an official test turns us from typical "my kid is gifted" to having tools to better help our boys be happy and reach any goal they want.