If he had it his way he would be self taught lol. He was in the gifted self contained class at the old school which only worked one grade level ahead. We had him tested with a prestigious (and expensive) psychologist who confirmed his mathematical reasoning and reading level are in the late highschool age rather than just one grad level ahead so we know he's capable of more but there is no way to get him to that level in elementary. Next year he will be in Junior High and they have more "opportunities" to expand. They also have a program where he could start taking college courses as soon as 8th grade but one of their criteria is "ability to prove a love of learning". He is self taught on certain things regarding science, history and math. He can't write to save his life thanks to his Dysgraphia but in elementary school they don't really accommodate. We were hoping to just finish out this school year knowing it wouldn't benefit him much anyways and then see what Junior High and High School can do for him. This Prep Program is at a different school and they only take so many kids, but part of their "criteria" is "proof" of giftedness such as test scores and IQ and so on. He tests well, but hates homework so he barely gets by. I don't know if we should push him or not.