I guess the question is whether he would like the work in the new program more than he likes the work that he is doing now. If so, then I would push it. If he would hate the work there, too, then I think you have to consider what he would get out of it. Is it just the "work" that he dislikes, or everything about class (including the actual instruction)? Because even if he would hate the work in the advanced class, he may still benefit from being taught higher level concepts, and enjoy learning the higher level concepts. DD seems to hate doing work of any kind, but I would rather have her sit through instruction at the right level, rather than being taught concepts she already knows.

Also, if he is 2e you should figure out if he is not performing because of the disability, for instance not being able to plan/organize assignments. If that is the problem, rather than just not being interested, then you should push for accommodations/modifications and possibly interventions no matter what program he is in.