She's about as cynical as I feel most of the time. Teachers can't even differentiate work for students who are in the "normal" range, or students who are mildly gifted, so how would they ever do it for a student who is twice exceptional? I went through a lot of effort to get an IEP for DD and I'm not sure if the teachers have even read it. Things that seem like they should be very basic, like modifying the assignments, aren't done in any sort of regular way. And the communication is horrible.
We have a private 2e school in the area but I don't exactly have the $60k per year for tuition for two kids. Parents who are not wealthy have few options, because even the best school districts can't seem to figure out how to make special education work and it's like a full-time job trying to advocate and negotiate with the school, and then work with the child at home on things that they should be doing in school.