Please excuse the intentionally provocative title but I wanted to get as many as possible to read this and share their thoughts.

Every gifted meet up or program that I have taken my DD10 to has had way more boys than girls. When I look at even the AMC8 I see that boys are excelling at a much higher rate than girls.

Even this site has way more 'ds' posts than 'dd' posts.

I have always believed that girls have the same potential as boys but the empirical evidence just is not to be seen any place that I have looked.

Is this an Oedipal thing where mothers are favouring boy children? Is this a male conspiracy? Is it cultural bias in that Asians definitely favour boy children and Asians tend to be over represented in any gathering of the gifted? I don't know and would appreciate help finding answers.

I am asking this because I am trying to find peers for my DD and it hasn't been easy. My DD has been lucky enough to connect with some gifted girls (even a couple of DDs from this site) but the pickings sure seem slimmer for girls.

Would any here like to share their thoughts and offer advice to help me find more success in finding peers for my DD within 1-2 hours drive?

If so, I would be glad to hear them and the advice.


I am not and my DD is not a snob about being gifted in the slightest. I just want my DD to see that she doesn't have to be a bimbo and that there are actually more girls out there than she thinks who like to think deeply and quirkily.

Become what you are