Originally Posted by ConnectingDots
The last thing we need is a PG kid with terrible grades when approaching a new school.

In our case, homework was not getting enough attention last year due to extra curricular activities which we prioritize because I thought that the homework was busywork, anyway. And DS was applying to a competitive school, which places a high value on grades. So, I sucked it up and "scaffolded" or "tomato staked" or whatever it is called - to make sure that what needed to be done was done. Eventually, the grades helped when it came time for admissions. A new school might assume that the PG child was unable to cope with accelerated material if the grades are not stellar (the ones that we applied to did). Or they might assume wrongly that there are learning issues that need remediation if a PG child does not have top grades.

It looks like you need to find a way to convince your ODS to do the extra work he needs to do in math - you could try reminding him of the upcoming move and the need for maintaining good grades.

ETA: I don't help with homework anymore after DS moved schools - these days, he finishes all his homework in study hall after school so that he can play his sports in the evenings.