That's awesome about your son - he is really lucky to have parents who realised what he needed to thrive and were able to give it to him. My son's interests so far have been mainly focussed on sport but lately he has become interested in robotics so I'll look around for a robotics club or program that he could do. Superficially at least it does look to me as though he is challenged in his current environment. His school streams for English and Math in years 1-3 and he has never been higher than the middle group for either. Most of his friends are in the top group so I know he would like to be with them if he could - at least if he could do well enough to be in that group without doing much extra work. He is very uncompetitive about academic work though and doesn't seem bothered about his grades at all (good and bad) so perhaps it's more of an attitude thing with him.