Your son is only 2, you have some time to go before you test him. The internet is full of debates on "Nature vs. Nurture". I find this topic very interesting and I personally believe that "Nurture" carries a lot more weight than is normally given credit for. But, that is just a personal belief. I agree with MegMeg that a gifted child will go a long way with enrichment - again using the musically talented child as an example - if such a child had an expert teacher, involved parents, practice time built into their schedules, a lot of encouragement and enrichment from early ages then, the child can go far in developing musical talent. Same can be said for creative writing or math or science - enrichment carries a lot of weight.

As for relocating - I suggest that you look for a place that has many opportunities for enrichment in addition to educational choices. Because, if your child turns out to be very gifted, chances are that no school will be a perfect choice and you may have to provide enrichment on your own time after school. Good luck.