It is my son's rate of learning that makes my jaw drop. He found a counting 1-50 book at the library and I sent it with him to his sitter because I didn't have time to read it to him. A couple days later on the way home from Ikea he was counting 1-50 in the backseat, then he figured out 50-59 on his own. (I haven't told him there is a 60 yet!) When I asked the sitter about the book she said she read it once while the babies were napping. At that time DS wasn't even 2.

This is part of why I struggle with how many years ahead he is of his peers and what school will be like for him. Skills show up almost over night. Our home is all about child directed play and play based learning so I have never sat him to intentionally introduce an academic skill. He is only 2 so he really doesn't need to count to 100, kwim? I have no idea how far ahead he would be if I intentionally instructed him. It goes against my parenting philosophy so I don't.