DS is still really young but he continues to be the cute little knowledge sucking dementor that he was a year ago when I started looking for answers. He was and still is quite different from his age matched peers in terms of cognitive ability and the gap just seems to be getting bigger. I've learned to embrace it. I'm a big proponent of child directed play and learning so what he knows is because he wants to know it and not because I've ever pushed anything on him.

As I am now on a nationwide job search I have a lot of control over where we end up as a family and what types of educational opportunities will be available to DS (and DS on the way!) I spend a lot of time contemplating how much of DS's cognitive abilities are innate and how much of what I'm seeing is living in an enriched environment? I know there is probably no real answer to that question but if anyone has any insight I would love to hear it.I have a sample size of 1 so I really have no clue!

DS has a September birthday so I spend time thinking about what his abilities really are as I look into educational policies for different states. In some states he will automatically start Kindergarten the year he turns 5, other states have options for early entry to school, and then some states (like where we currently live) seem to be completely inflexible about the age cut off.

I don't want us to get stuck in a state with no options for starting school at 5 if that is what he really needs but I also don't want to be "that mom" who thinks her kid is something he isn't. My son is 2 and he seems to be 2-3 years ahead cognitively and socially at this point. (Emotionally and physically the kid is totally 2! That's about as fun as sticking forks in my eyes.)

Any advice on how I can tease out what is innate ability and what is enriched environment?