oh I think we all have these moments, like the time my dd had an existential crisis after visiting a florist because of all the flowers that were just starting to die...

However let him know from a bonafide sleep paralysis sufferer (survivor) that despite the fact that it can be very scary, once you know what it is, it is exceedingly easy to overcome - maybe that can help!

I don't sleep on my back and my partner knows to massage /scratch my hand to bring me round should anything happen.

My DD hasn't started yet with this but we have a policy of allows attending in the night if there is crying - I remember my biggest issue was that my mum thought I was being ridiculous and would punish me for screaming out in the night and waking her up.. (I was 12) As a sleep deprived parent I kind of see her point. Terrifying though, I haven't had an attack in 20 years and I still remember how bad it was - nothing like seeing your door open and a ghoulie coming for you - eek