I wll try to make this short and to the point.

Yesterday we went to a Museum. My 7 yr. old learned all about sleep. The exhibit had interactive videos and data. He completed the entire exhibit from start to end. Probably an hours time. He retained the entire exhibit and all the informational videos.

Last night at bedtime he cried and cried. I finally got him to share what was wrong. He was afraid of getting sleep paralysis.

I let my spouse supervise during this particular exhibit. I had no idea it would touch on something like that. My spouse did not even notice this part of the exhibit.

He has not brought it up since this morning, I am hoping he does not tonight.

I underestimate how overwhelming some types of information effect him. I feel so bad that it scared him like this. I hope he is not traumatized for life. frown

He has ASD (Aspie)

Last edited by maisey; 11/08/15 02:58 PM.