We don't really do trick-or-treat ourselves, though the kids enjoy handing out ridiculous amounts of candy (we're also in a drop-your-soccer-team-off-for-the-evening neighborhood), so we don't have to deal with this for our own children. I do know a few kids who are a little sensory defensive who do trick-or-treat, though, and we've been on their shortlist of early visits. They'll go to three or four sympathetic neighbors early in the evening (about 5 pm, around here), before chaos ensues, and then have a little playdate at their or someone else's home, while the rest of the kids go out for the main event.

And I second community (police, fire, schools, churches) trunk-or-treat, mall treats, zoo treats, etc.

Or you could just applaud his principled refusal to condone or participate in extortion.

I know I'm a spoilsport! smile

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...