I do think I have a limited exposure to normal. Both my kids are at an extremely high performing school, with kids that are the offspring of doctors, lawyers and scientists- and the PTA is made up of quite a few parents who tested gifted when they were kids and that *surprise* have gifted children of their own.

I grew up in the Silicon Valley, and everyone around us were working in science in some way. I don't think everyone I knew was gifted, but they were certainly intelligent.

So yes, I probably have no idea what NT looks like. But I do know that neither of my children *perform* at the level they should be academically according to IQ so I worry that there is something wrong….I was an underachiever so I'm obviously projecting that fear into this situation.

I'm not pressuring them, I just keep looking for things to motivate them into action…

Last edited by LAF; 10/14/15 07:56 AM.