Thanks! The written policy states they do accept outside testing. This was also confirmed when I spoke with the district AIG office.

I've tried to do as much as possible via email, but the school AIG teacher always calls me back on the phone. At times I have replied to the previous thread with "As you mentioned on the phone, I plan to do blah and we will follow up by blah..." kind of thing, CC-ing the classroom teacher in an effort to keep everyone on the same page.

Yesterday when I spoke with the district office I was so surprised at their take charge attitude about getting it cleared up that I forgot to ask them point blank if there were timelines set up in the process. Agh!

I got a call back yesterday at end of day letting me know they wouldn't be able to answer my questions that day (went to voicemail) so I assume they will talk to me as soon as they can get a hold of the teacher at the school. The district office seems very responsive.

But yes, I think you're right.

I guess I will call the district and just ask them if there is any policy on how long the process will take once testing is completed. Most of the documentation I see talks about having to nominate by the testing interval, since it's once a semester. Maybe the school wants to wait and process his results with everyone else's, so they're waiting until the other kids finish the testing?

3 weeks basically, until the results are invalid. At this point maybe asking directly if the results need to be submitted by us by one year from the test or if they can only be considered in the decision one year from the test would be useful as well.

As you can see, brief does not come naturally. wink But I have managed to do okay when interacting with the school!