Our NP made a recommendation that DS has a "safe person" at school. This recommendation wasn't implemented (of course). Is that something your school people talk about?

Yup on the approach being so important to gain compliance. DS here can look like a doorstop (or worse) if I try to get all authoritarian with him. Angry voice? Forget about it...he hears "anger" when it's actually much milder (frustration, annoyance). Interestingly, he also uses "anger" to describe any confusing emotion of his own...

Originally Posted by BSM
Are you implying that logic and public education don't always go together? smile

I'll let you reach your own conclusions. I have always found it interesting that institutions that (supposedly) value knowledge seem to be just about the last to implement it. It would be very easy to supply the school with a mountain of research that punishment just doesn't work for any child, long term. I'm not suggesting that, btw. smile You have more important things to do.