We received results of school-based psych eval for DS9, and she has very nicely offered to meet and talk with us before the IEP mtg next week. There were significant differences between subtests in his scores. From reviewing posts on this site as a lurker, I developed a pretty good understanding of the basics, but i can mostly find info on wisc-I've, and much less on wisc-v. She just provided the scaled scores and the CI and percentile - I seem to remember that someone recommended the raw scores could be useful in understanding the details and possibly running additional comparisons, but I can't find that reference, so perhaps I misunderstood.

Is it useful to ask for raw scores? Can I do the calculations of comparisons between subtests myself, or should they be done by her to make them valid? I found a presentation from Pearson that seems to provide the info on how to do this, and it seems straightforward. Are there other questions they would be useful to ask her? Is it relevant if he exceeded time limits? He did not have 19 on any subtest, so I assume that means he did not hit the ceiling, but is that worth probing? It sounds like there are not yet extended norms for wisc-v, so is thr ceiling less relevant?

Other questions to ask?