Originally Posted by Irena
But I will definitely make sure my kids know to ask this if ever question by a police officer! For sure... Never even thought about it before!
I sat down with my DS when he was learning to drive and went over this in detail. We practiced what he would say if he was pulled over or in an accident. My son does the opposite of what Howler is saying and will turn mute when pushed to talk by an authority figure. He then gets in more trouble because he won't talk with them. I made it VERY clear that if he wasn't mature enough to have a civil conversation with a police officer he wasn't mature enough to drive.

I also do one of the things that spaghetti(?) mentioned. We talk about situations that we see in the news and discuss how the the people behaved and if that the best response and what he should do if he was in a similar situation.

But I don't have a clue how to teach a teen who is annoying the adults because she is behaving too adult.