What is a reasonable expectation for a 3rd grader, as far as remembering stuff is concerned ? I know there is a wide variation, however, he forgets to bring things back home, if he is not reminded by the teacher. Sometimes even that fails. He seems to think that if he forgets things, he always gets blamed. He informed me today that he is very sensitive, and that he should not be blamed for forgetting stuff. Sometimes, it is stuff like a lunchbox or a pencil, sometimes it is homework.

Checklists work with him, but he has to be reminded to use the checklist (sometimes, multiple times, before he starts to use it). Last year, his teacher was super organized and made him do the checklist every single day. This year's teacher seems a lot more laid-back -- all the teacher cares about is whether each child is happy, working at their best level, giving something a decent amount of effort etc (and not so much about the organizational aspects).

He does have a 504 and the checklist is part of the 504. I sent copies of the checklist, but the teacher does not follow it. On an average, my child misplaces homework or lunchbox or some item or the other once every 4 days.

I know some forgetting is normal, but forgetting stuff 6-7 times a month seems excessive.

Any suggestions ?