I don't know anything about what happens re repercussions in your state, but I can tell you that we opted out once, on the spot, when the testing folks were refusing to give our ds his accommodations. We've never had any repercussions from it, other than his test score report coming at the usual expected time in the mail with huge "zeros" for everything - no note that he didn't take the test.

FWIW, where we are, the scores are on your record and get glanced at and are said to be a part of decisions, but you can easily get by without the test scores. The state testing is so tied to grade-level curriculum that it's for the most part meaningless in terms of assigning kids to gifted programs. So there are always other tests considered, and if your scores on the other tests are high enough, no one even looks at the state scores as far as I've known.

The one thing that I can see your district possibly questioning is if you say test-taking anxiety is the reason you're opting out, then how can that be if she's doing so well on MAP. Do you have to give a reason?
