Originally Posted by Light
But questions remain� Am I gifted? In Maths, there�s no doubt I enter all criteria in terms of percentile to qualify as gifted, highly gifted, and whatever else, judging by my rank in the many national competitions I took, and this even considering all gifted children who did not get a chance to develop their potential and therefore enter the competition� but more globally?
Is my difference giftedness? But then, why is it that I sometimes felt �dumb� as compared to my brightest classmates when I entered that 40 or so students� class grouping the top scorers nationally, while I still felt �out of synch� with them in other subjects (half of an explanation may be that I had already shut off too much to �trust� them and realize who they were, but, in my opinion, since my philosophical interests were not the center of conversations around me, it probably means it was not enough at the forefront of their concerns to appear in a general conversation).
Do I have deep disabilities alongside my abilities? (I sometimes really feel like that!!!� Especially concerning the processing of external information, or visual memory issues).

Or is it �something else� altogether?

Well� This is a probably a record in terms of length!!� sorry! (� do record-breakers win something?)

OK, I� post!


Lovely to meet you Light. congradulations on entering the workforce! Have you read any of Leta Hollingworth? She also talked about childhood being a trial to her.

Are you gifted?
I guess that depends on one's definition of gifted. Mine is a person with special educational needs unlikely to be met in an ordinary classroom with agemates. So by my definition, the fact that you thrived on a multiyear skip says - yes, Gifted - case closed.

As for not being able to have satisfying conversations with others who score similarly in Math to you, well, that could mean a lot of things.
You will find out more as you live more of life. Just make sure that if you commit to a spouse of some kind that they are someone you can have an interesting conversation with - even after the hormones calm down. That is easier said than done! Perhaps you are a chemist and can invent a medication that protects our minds from the love hormones long enough to make a good choice?

Some highly gifted people don't like to talk at all, so that limits the participation in deep conversations. Personality really makes a huge difference, as you will see as you read some of these previous posts. Some say that gifted people differ more from each other than they do from TD (typically developing) folks. One of my best ways of finding good conversations, is reading books and sending emails to the writers. You can give that a try.

The good news is that once you find one or two folks who met your requirements, they are likely to know some others, so it's not as much work as it might seem. Don't forget to check your parent's friends. They are old, but if your parents like them, there is a pretty good chance you will too.

It is possible that you have gotten into the habit of loneliness. Perhaps this is the greatest risk of being a PG kid. Well, second to the habit of laziness. You don't sound like you have the laziness problem, so I expect that any habit you've developed, you can find ways and resources to develop out of.

So pull up a virtual chair, and some virtual beverage of choice, and post a discussion quesion or book or movie suggestion, and enjoy our company!


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