Hi-Light(hee hee)

Based on your descriptions, especially that childhood memory at the graveyard, you are gifted. At least HG, maybe PG, who knows?

Perhaps you just need validation of it.

Just because you feel very different from people you consider gifted does not mean you are not gifted.

Here are some facts that you list about yourself:

Read chapter books at 4.
Skipped two grades.
Mental math easily at young age.
Experienced what sounds a little like existential depression at 7. At the very least a real questioning of the meaning of life(BTW, some people never question this, many people don't question it until their 40's, ie: mid-life crisis.)
Rank in an elusive percentage for math competitions.

Yet you feel dumb around what you describe as your brightest classmates. And you feel different, even around people you see as gifted, so you suppose perhaps you are not gifted?

If so, I liken this process to the fallacious argument of least plausible hypothesis. Here's an example I read: "I left a bowl of milk on my front stoop and now it is empty, clearly fairies visited in the night and drank my milk.

Maybe start thinking in terms of Occam's Razor, instead.

Anyhoo.... just a thought.

But, welcome!
